Online classes are secure and easy to join!
Follow the steps below to get started.


1. Configure phone/tablet

Install the free Zoom software on your phone or tablet. We do not recommend using a laptop or desktop computer due to camera positioning constraints.

Download Zoom for: Apple iOS | Android


2. Prepare creative space

Get your space ready with everything you need before the class begins. If you’re using an easel, set up your canvas on the easel and get your phone/tablet stand positioned so you can work on your art and see the screen on your device.

For the best experience, please watch these videos that we made about how to prepare your creative space:

Lighting | Phone Stand | Workspace


3. Join meeting

Click on the Zoom link for your scheduled class that you received in your invitation email and join the call by entering your password. Mute your microphone, then tap the button to flip the camera on your device so it is using the camera on the back of your device.

Zoom Security

We have consulted security experts to ensure that we are using best practices so that our Zoom meetings are private and completely secure. If you have any concerns, please feel free to contact us so we can provide you with additional information about our efforts.